Resilience Sea to Sky 

 End Racism and Hate: Your Right. Your Responsibility.

Since September 2020, the Whistler Multicultural Society has been funded as a spoke in the Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network providing information, updates and access to training, resources, and workshops. 

United Against Racism Reporting Tool

The United Against Discrimination (UAD) incident reporting portal is an online form where you can report instances of discrimination that you have experienced or witnessed. The anonymous information submitted by you will be used to create a database to generate awareness about racism and discrimination in the Sea to Sky community. This data will also help build the capacity of the community service providers to respond to these incidents. 

What is Discrimination & Hate Crime?

Discrimination is when people or groups of people are treated unfairly or prejudicially based race, gender, age, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. Racism is a form of discrimination based on race.

Hate Crime is a criminal offence committed against a person or property, which is motivated by the suspect’s hate, prejudice or bias against an identifiable group and includes verbal abuse/threats, physical assault or damage to property (as defined in section 718.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada). Name calling, insults, displaying hate material on a private property or in public places are examples of hate incidents. If such behavior threatens a person or property, it becomes a hate crime.

We understand that it is difficult to talk about discrimination and hate but remember that you have a right to feel safe and by reporting an incident you are taking the first step to make your community a safer place.

November Anti-Racism Community Engagement

On November 14, 2023, the WMS Resilience program held a community engagement to discuss issues of racism in the Sea to Sky community and how the community can work together to help resolve these issues. 

During our initial discussion it became clear that many instances of racism occur in the workplace. In addition, a 2022 survey by the Whistler Multicultural Society revealed that the schools are also the location of many instances of racism or racial discrimination. The key findings have been summarized below:

After discussing the issues faced by racial minorities in the Sea to Sky we discussed what can be done to reduce instances of racism.

Moving forward we hope to work with the community to initiate changes like those mentioned above. We will be doing this through meeting regularly with a group of people who are invested in making a difference in the community as well as meeting with social service providers in Whistler to discuss the kinds of initiatives taking place in their organizations.

To read the full report, please CLICK HERE

Anti-Racism Legislation Engagement

On September 20th and 26th 2023 we met with 15 people across two meetings to discuss the kinds of programs and legislation the community wants to see from the Government of B.C. and the Whistler Multicultural Society. Nine different questions were posed to the groups to gain a better understanding of the support needed by the community and how current legislation and programs are impacting racial groups. A full report has now been submitted to the provincial government. 

Key recommendations outlined in the report:

If you are interested in seeing the full report click here. A short summary of the report can also be found on our blog page.

In 2022, the Whistler Multicultural Society conducted a study on Racism, Bias and Discrimination in the Sea to Sky corridor.  The goal of the study was to understand if and how racism and discrimination are experienced within our local communities.

A survey was distributed primarily online through a variety of social media channels. The results of the study intend to inform the creation of a protocol that will outline best practices for local service providers to respond to incidents of racism.

Key findings show that:

Click here for full results and analysis.

"It is important for all members of the community to feel valued and safe. More education should be done  to address  this issue. My experiences of racism  has been in my workplace with comments or gestures that are done from silliness and ignorance" 

We asked participants: 

Have you experienced racism in the time you've lived here?

Resilience Whistler monthly newsletter

Each month our Resilience Whistler newsletter brings information, updates, and access to training, workshops and other materials and resources to grow your interracial competence and understanding.  Check out the links below to previous editions. As part of our work with Resilience BC, WMS maintains a summary of anti-racism education, resources, and materials that we have found useful; check it out at Resources